Organization Details

San Francisco 99% Coalition

Type: nonprofit
logophotoPurpose Statement: The purpose of the San Francisco 99% Coalition is to achieve our Goals through our accepted Strategies, consistent with our Guiding Principles.

Goals: (1) End War; (2) Tax Wealth; (3) Care for the People, (4) Protect the Environment.

Strategies: To educate, advocate, and coordinate social and political actions by working in coalition with, and offering support to, groups that promote nonviolent advocacy for equitable social, economic and environmental public policies.

Guiding Principles: We agree to recognize and value the humanity within each of us; we disavow all forms of stereotyping, racism and prejudice; we acknowledge political pluralism in the group; we demonstrate a commitment to nonviolence in our words and actions; we show respect for each other’s opinions during discourse of all types; we hold ourselves individually and collectively accountable for these values and we welcome anyone who will abide by our mutually agreed upon principles, strategies, and goals.



2015 Spagetti dinner for the 99% 2015-02-28
2014 Spaghetti Dinner for the 99% 2014-01-29


2015 Spagetti dinner for the 99% Mike Rufio musician 2015-02-28
2015 Spagetti dinner for the 99% Tom Ammiano speaker 2015-02-28
2015 Spagetti dinner for the 99% John Powell speaker 2015-02-28
2015 Spagetti dinner for the 99% - Activist Awards 2015-02-28
2014 Spagetti dinner for the 99% - Activist Awards 2014-01-29
2014 Spagetti dinner for the 99% - Revolutionary Poets Brigade 2014-01-29
2014 Spagetti dinner for the 99% - Jerry Mander 2014-01-29
2014 Spagetti dinner for the 99% - Will Durst 2014-01-29